online courses
Self-paced online courses can be an effective and affordable way to implement health changes.
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The Break up with Sugar Program
21 Days to Sugar Freedom!
Do you struggle with sugar cravings, mood swings, sleep & digestion issues, stubborn weight gain? Have you tried to get control of your sugar cravings before - only to get sucked back in? This 21 Day eCourse program is designed to help you kick your sugar and carb cravings to the curb - for good this time! When you get control of your blood sugar, you get your metabolism out of sugar-burning mode and into fat-burning mode. Created by Nutritionist (and former sugar junkie) Sara Vance - this course offers over 15 hours of instructional content, supplement recommendations that help to reduce physical cravings, and a booklet filled with over 50 delicious recipes - you won't miss the sugar!
The "Skinny Starch" - All About Resistant Starch
Don't have the energy you need on low carb diets? Or has your digestion or metabolism suffered from going low carb? Low carb diets have their downfalls - they can reduce good bacteria in the gut, and cause a sluggish metabolism & thyroid. But are you worried about weight gain from adding in carbs? Skinny carbs to the rescue! Learn more about resistance starch, and how to incorporate it into your life! This course includes educational video, articles, links to more info - and a recipe book.