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15 Tips for Fixing Constipation (Without Miralax!)

This article has been expanded! It is now a 59 page e-book with 20 tips, 17 recipes and links to articles, studies, products, and resources:

Occasional mild constipation can happen to anyone - often it is due to a stressful event, interruptions to your routine, or diet (maybe you were traveling, or you just went a little crazy with the cheese plate). But generally, as long as you get back to you normal routine or diet, or the stress subsides - the constipation will resolve and you will be feeling normal in a day or so. If you have ever had occasional constipation, you know the feeling - discomfort, bloating, feeling full, gassy and sluggish. Now imagine what it would be like to feel that way most of the time. Chronic constipation is the #1 cause of kids' belly pain, and a common reason to miss school and activities. In addition - being constipated can impede the body's ability to detoxify. When constipation is ongoing or chronic, it generally is a signal that something is amiss somewhere in the diet, or perhaps with the digestion and elimination process - with the organs, the nerves, and anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, constipation can become a medical emergency. If chronic constipation goes on for a long time, it could leads to a blockage, also known as fecal impaction. According to an article by Dr. Mercola - Constipation Emergencies are on the Rise, "there was a 42 percent increase in ER visits for constipation in the US between 2006 and 2011." So it is important to not ignore constipation.

Miralax Concerns: For constipation sufferers - the tasteless and odorless over the counter medication Miralax seemed to offer an easy solution to the problem - just stir it into a glass of water or juice, and drink it down - problem solved, right? Not so fast...although doctors have been recommending it as a safe solution for constipation in kids for years, prescribing Miralax is not FDA approved for use in children, so giving it to kids is an "off-label" use. And giving it to anyone of any age for longer than a week is also off-label. Miralax's label - says that it is for use in people age 17 and over, and not for more than 7 days (without a doctor's orders).

The research on the long-term safety of propylene glycol (PEG) use in kids is limited at best. And there have been concerns regarding the safety of Miralax's use in children for several years. According to the NY Times, "the Empire State Consumer Project, a New York consumer group, sent a citizen petition to the F.D.A. on behalf of parents concerned about the increase in so-called adverse events related to PEG that health professionals and consumers have reported to the F.D.A. over the past decade." According to this NY Times article, tests conducted by the F.D.A. in 2008 on eight batches of Miralax, found tiny amounts of ethylene glycol (EG) and diethylene glycol (DEG) in all of the samples - which are ingredients in antifreeze. Despite being conducted in 2008, the results of the tests were not disclosed to the public. The article also said that taking Miralax for long periods of time could lead to developing "acidic blood."

Since the start of 2017, a growing number of parents have come forward complaining of a myriad of psychological, behavorial, and neurological symptoms that they have been linked to the active ingredient propylene glycol (PEG) found in Miralax and some other laxatives - these side effect include tics, stuttering, anger/aggression, depression, anxiety, memory issues, obsessive-compulsive behavior, and more. There is a Facebook group called Parents Against Miralax that has grown from about 2,000 to over 18,000 members in just a few weeks time.

Many doctors are still recommending it as a safe option, while others are questioning the safety. “Every pediatric GI physician, I would guarantee you, has told a family this is a safe product,” said Dr. Kent C. Williams, a gastroenterologist at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. Now, he worries, “it may not be true.” According to the NY Times, "Scrutiny for Laxatives as a Childhood Remedy." Many kids and families have been using Miralax without being told of the potential risks, and having never been offered any natural alternatives to try first. Now with the possible side effect concerns - a lot of parents are scrambling to find a safe & natural alternative to Miralax - that works.

The good news is there are lots of natural alternatives that are safe, effective, and offer lots of positive health benefits.

This book has 59 pages of information, tips, recipes, and more!

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